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What’s really important in your day-to-day business operations? As longstanding advisers to the chemical, pharmaceutical, logistics and manufacturing industries, we know only too well what really counts in practice. Which is why our select seminars deliberately target those specialist areas where we are actively engaged in an advisory capacity. As a participant, you benefit from the full force of our concentrated specialist and expert knowledge, while picking up important tips for your day-to-day operations.
Our Academy runs topical seminars for skilled employees and managerial staff in the fields of dangerous substances, REACH, biocides, environmental protection, occupational safety, hazardous goods, and storage. Aspects of international law and special topics round off our portfolio.
We offer a full range of training courses – from public seminars to fully dedicated in-house variants through to webinars and e-learning.
We guarantee optimum quality, maximum practical relevance and lasting learning outcomes.
For 36 years, we at UMCO GmbH have been offering our customers comprehensive compliance solutions to assist them with the global distribution and handling of chemicals. With offices in Hamburg, Cologne and Rottweil and 70 employees, we provide support for roughly 1,000 companies around the world. Our customers are particularly appreciative of our problem-solving abilities and our competence as a partner when it comes to dealing with complex problems.
Every day, companies along the “chemical value-added chain” turn to our multidisciplinary team for advice, which we provide based on a comprehensive concept devised for managing (hazardous) substances. These companies include manufacturers, distributors, warehouses, transshipment companies and users of chemical products.
The focus here is on national and international chemicals legislation, safety-health-environment management and hazardous goods, emergency services and management systems and audits. Further information can be found on our corporate website at
We are active problem solvers – as a trusting partner of longstanding expertise, we devise innovative approaches that will solve your problems in a legally compliant, effective and far-sighted manner.